The Baha'i Faith

Community Gatherings

The CBRM Baha'i community hosts regular Devotional Meetings, Holy Days, and Feasts

Baha’is believe that coming together as a community to share the word of God through prayer and the holy scriptures “is essential to the spiritual life of the community”.  

Sharing devotions with members of all faith communities is important for Baha’is, “guests should be warmly greeted and be made to feel welcome. It is a good practice to assign several greeters to welcome people, pass out programs, usher people (if necessary), and to introduce guests and visitors to others.”

“Prayers and the Holy Writings read with clarity and reverence have tremendous spiritual capacity”.

Baha’is believe that the arts offer wonderful food for the soul and often incorporate music, poetry, artwork and other forms of artistic expression into the devotional meetings.

Cape Breton Baha'i Centre
The first Baha'i Centre in Cape Breton is located in Eskasoni, Cape Breton and is dedicated to the Baha'i Faith.  This beautiful Centre has meeting facilities, a male and female dormitory as well as modern cooking facilities. The centre was donated by a Cape Breton Baha'i who has donated a portion of his land  for the use of the Baha'is in Cape Breton.